
the days feel more real when i take notes.

I take a simple view of living. It is to keep your eyes open and get on with it. -- Laurence Olivier

Perfect toast and hazelnut coffee to start with. As starts go, that's not bad. (Someone needs to write a sonnet about perfect toast. Amber-colored, and the butter oozing into the holes? Yeah. That's what we want.)

And there was a run--my fourth! It's great to be outside... though running in thirty-eight degrees is a bit different from running in sixty-eight. Just to let you know.

Browsed some wonderful cooking blogs (like Joy's, Molly's, and Aran's). You know what's dangerous about food blogs? They make me dream about opening a café, a real bricks-and-mortar café, with the steamy windows and a bell on the door. Making crepes, soups, tea, and decadent chocolate amazingness.

Really. I can just see myself handing out warm scones and refilling mugs with coffee and wisdom...

Wisdom? Am I that wise? What would I say to myself, right now, if I were the customer with the empty mug?

No idea. Back to the novel, then.

I wrote the conversation scene, the one I'd been worrying about. I worried about it on my run. I worried about it in the shower. Usually all the brilliant ideas show up when there's water and soap, but not today.

But my character was ready when I got to the desk. I knew none of my dialogue ideas would work, but she knew what she wanted to say, and it was just right. Inspired! Effortless! And maybe even a little funny. We hope.

And then, what's left? I'll make myself a few promises: about spring cleaning. About running errands that I usually put off. About finishing all the knitting projects I've begun and then set aside. (Hmm. Knitting. Time to daydream springy things to make for the store. Time for a spring update, in fact!)

Finally my after-dinner date with Monsieur Victor Hugo and Les Miserables. He probably has more to say about the riots of 1832. And then, hopefully, a lot more about Jean Valjean, whom I can't help adoring.

And then there's poor foolish Marius and poor silly Cosette. I like them, but I also kind of want to kick them. Am I allowed to say that? I'm about fifty pages behind schedule, but maybe tonight's the night I get caught up.

Me, Victor Hugo, and a huge cup of tea. Just the right ending.


  1. A very good day. I love sharing coffee and toast with my mother. I know no one else with such an appreciation for each as well as the two as a pair. Your title is superb. I completely agree. My days always feel more real when I've jotted observances and thoughts in my journal.

  2. LOVE the quote at the top. LOVE scones too.

    Spring and Fall are the perfect times weather wise for running.
    I don't know what summer is like there for you, but here I really miss the brisk dry air of 38 degrees when I am huffing and puffing through a run in 90 heat + humidity.
