Sheepishly. But not so sheepish that I won't post 'em... (besides, I did promise a look). So here you go.

There. If you are, in fact, the scandalized ranter I overheard, and these pictures make you go wash your eyes or something, let me know.
I'll send you a formal apology.
Also, I found these fantastic, unrelated quotes today. They have nothing whatever to do with black hair or with Mondays, but I thought I'd share. After all, here I am, and there you are... so. Happy Monday.
I ... have always known that my destiny was, above all, a literary destiny--that bad things and some good things would happen to me, but that, in the long run, all of it would be converted into words. Particularly the bad things, since happiness does not need to be transformed: happiness is its own end. -- Jorge Luis Borges.
Swoon. I love that. A literary destiny... what a lovely idea.
Speaking of lovely, I hope I can work this next quote into a conversation sometime...
And we meet, with champagne and a chicken, at last. -- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Isn't it a perfect opening line? Great for sweeping into a crowd, with a mock-dramatic accent, dahhhhlings! And, hopefully, there would be champagne, and a chicken (alive or dead or rubberized? I'm not sure which).
Anyway, someday, I'm saying that one. Someday.

Probably the sort of thing we black-haired protagonists do.
Love the hair and the pictures!!
Hmmm - looks cute! Reminds me of that girl from 500 Days of Summer.