So many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible. -- The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster

Quirky confession: I am most at home baking things that are a little tricky. Pies, for instance. Let me make an intricate cherry lattice pie, and I'm quite happy. Or that honey caramel peach pie? Fabulous. No sweat.
And yet, I find myself in a panic over a chocolate chip recipe. (You think I'm joking? Ask my little sister, who witnessed my absolute spazzing out over a simple muffin recipe. Yes really.)
I can't explain this. It doesn't make any sense. But it just might explain why I fell so hard for this stunning Espresso Blackberry Macaron recipe.

You really need to witness the smell of espresso powder + vanilla extract... rather gorgeous over the whipped egg whites...
It is, admittedly, intricate. There might be a bazillion steps, but I found it fairly manageable altogether. And the results?
Well worth the effort.

Ahh. There it is, my friends. Blackberry jam (we loved Hero's blackberry preserves for this) sandwiched between light, sweet espresso meringues. Stunning.
There are four other variations, should you be interested in, say, the coconut-passion fruit macarons.
(Seriously, now: did your brain explode just the littlest bit when you read that? Mine did.)
Anyway, with our usual restraint, my sisters and I are planning a time when we can make all five in one day...
Because we do things like that.
Meanwhile, maybe they can teach me how to make muffins without a panic attack.
Ooh, I've always wanted to try making macarons, Jenn. This may have inspired me. :)
ReplyDeleteI am totally the same with simple/complex things :P