[I] am as subject to heat as butter. -- William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor 

So, as I've repeatedly confessed, I have a hard time loving summer unless the weather's something like this. And as the temperatures creep up and the humidity wraps its rags around my face... my patience wanes.
Still. I hate to waste a whole season by kicking against it... and so, in the spirit of Hula Seventy's brilliant lists... here are some things I'm determined to celebrate this summer, no matter what.
1. sidewalks
2. the smell of sparklers
3. ice cold watermelon
4. the rare cool breeze
5. bats at twilight

6. relearning to walk and eat an ice cream cone at the same time
7. morning rain
8. picnic tables
9. the smell of warm concrete
10. fresh strawberries
11. swingsets
12. firefly legs across my palm
13. sudden thunderstorms

14. peach pie. ... especially this peach pie: my reigning favorite. (In fact, you probably should stop reading and go make this right now.)
15. air shows
16. and air conditioning
17. jump ropes
18. cicadas creaking in the evening
19. aloe vera & the smell of sunscreen
20. long drives in the country, between the
21. familiar walls of corn
22. honeysuckle

23. stargazing, picking out the constellations I know
24. summer dresses
25. snow cones and
26. funnel cakes
27. marching bands, of course!
... What else? What's on your list?
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