
open letter to a protagonist at large

Saints have never flourished in those parts. -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles

Dear E.,

Clearly, I got the note that you left me. And I know what you're thinking: we've had visitors, and besides, I've been a bit sick lately. So you think you can get away with running out on me?

Never underestimate your author, or her midnight revelations.

Have I got an antagonist for you. And sweetie, you've met your match.

What were you thinking? Goading me into worsening your antagonist, when you know I've been fighting a sinus infection... When I feel savage, it's easier to write characters who act the same way. And let me tell you--this antagonist makes me shiver a bit.

So you'd better hurry back. Come soon, and figure out how to maintain your witty composure in Act Three. ... You're gonna need some sidekicks, I can tell you that right now.

Yours on the other side of the keyboard,

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